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Alaskan Wildfire • Alerts • Auxiliary • Fire Detection - FDC • Fire Detection - GOES • Fire Detection - VIIRS AK • Fire Detection - WFIGS • GOES East ConUS • GOES East Full Disk • GOES East Meso 1 • GOES East Meso 2 • GOES West ConUS • GOES West Full Disk • GOES West Meso 1 • GOES West Meso 2 • Historical Fire Data • LANDFIRE • Lightning • NGFS - TEST • Observations • Other • Persistent Anomalies • VIIRS • VIIRS - GINA • WUI
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Historical Alaska Fire Occurrences by Month
Wildfire occurrences in Alaska from 1939 to 2023. This dataset contains allfires, including false alarms and small fires. Not all months contain data. This data was created by the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center (ALCC)....
Wildfire occurrences in Alaska from 1939 to 2023. This dataset contains all fires, including false alarms and small fires. Not all months contain data. This data was created by the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center (ALCC).
Historical Alaska Fire Occurrences by Year
Wildfire occurrences in Alaska from 1939 to 2023. This dataset contains allfires, including false alarms and small fires. This data was created by the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center (ALCC).
Wildfire occurrences in Alaska from 1939 to 2023. This dataset contains all fires, including false alarms and small fires. This data was created by the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center (ALCC).
Historical Alaska Fire Perimeters by Month
Perimeters of Alaskan wildfires from 1939 to 2023. This dataset does notcontain data for smaller fires without parameters. This data was created by the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center (ALCC).
Perimeters of Alaskan wildfires from 1939 to 2023. This dataset does not contain data for smaller fires without parameters. This data was created by the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center (ALCC).
Historical Alaska Fire Perimeters by Year
Perimeters of Alaskan wildfires from 1939 to 2023. This dataset does notcontain data for smaller fires without parameters. This data was created by the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center.
Perimeters of Alaskan wildfires from 1939 to 2023. This dataset does not contain data for smaller fires without parameters. This data was created by the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center.
NWS Alerts (Fire Weather)
NWS Alerts (Fire Weather)
NWS Alerts (Fire Weather)
National GACC Boundaries - NIFC
Polygon boundaries from NIFC (National Interagency Fire Center) depictingthe administrative area of Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACC) across the USA used in incident management, including wildland fire. GACC...
Polygon boundaries from NIFC (National Interagency Fire Center) depicting the administrative area of Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACC) across the USA used in incident management, including wildland fire. GACC Boundaries may also be known as Tier 2 Dispatch Boundaries.
The GOES-R Fire Detection and Characterization (FDC) data product uses bothvisible and infrared (IR) ABI spectral channels (or bands) to locate fires and retrieve fire characteristics. Fires produce a stronger signal in...
The GOES-R Fire Detection and Characterization (FDC) data product uses both visible and infrared (IR) ABI spectral channels (or bands) to locate fires and retrieve fire characteristics. Fires produce a stronger signal in mid-wave IR bands (around 4 µm) than they do in longwave IR bands (such as 11 µm). That differential response forms the basis for the GOES-R FDC product. The 3.9 µm ABI band is particularly useful for fire detection. Its shorter wavelength is sensitive to the hottest part of a fire pixel.
Right-click to "Probe" pixel value. 10-15 indicates first detection. 30-35 indicates multiple detections in the past 12 hours.
GOES East FDC Contours - CONUS
GOES East FDC Contours - Meso1
GOES East FDC Contours - Meso2
GOES West FDC Contours - CONUS
GOES West FDC Contours - FD
GOES West FDC Contours - Meso1
GOES West FDC Contours - Meso2
GOES East Daily Fire Detections - CONUS
This terrain-corrected product represents cumulative detections at the 2kmABI pixel level in a 24hr UTC day. For performance, serial repeat detections for the same pixel have been removed. The source data are CSV...
This terrain-corrected product represents cumulative detections at the 2km ABI pixel level in a 24hr UTC day. For performance, serial repeat detections for the same pixel have been removed. The source data are CSV files from the link below.
GOES East Scene Fire Detections - CONUS
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the CONUS scan of ABI onGOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the CONUS scan of ABI on GOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
GOES East Scene Fire Detections - Mesoscale1
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-1 scan of ABIon GOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-1 scan of ABI on GOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
GOES East Scene Fire Detections - Mesoscale2
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-2 scan of ABIon GOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-2 scan of ABI on GOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
GOES West Daily Fire Detections - CONUS
This terrain-corrected product represents cumulative detections at the 2kmABI pixel level in a 24hr UTC day. For performance, serial repeat detections for the same pixel have been removed. The source data are CSV...
This terrain-corrected product represents cumulative detections at the 2km ABI pixel level in a 24hr UTC day. For performance, serial repeat detections for the same pixel have been removed. The source data are CSV files from the link below.
GOES West Scene Fire Detections - CONUS
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the CONUS scan of ABI onGOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the CONUS scan of ABI on GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
GOES West Scene Fire Detections - Full Disk
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Full Disk scan of ABIon GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Full Disk scan of ABI on GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
GOES West Scene Fire Detections - Mesoscale1
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-1 scan of ABIon GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-1 scan of ABI on GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
GOES West Scene Fire Detections - Mesoscale2
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-2 scan of ABIon GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-2 scan of ABI on GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
NGFS-SCENE-noaa20-GINA (Experimental)
This product is experimental
This product is experimental
NGFS-SCENE-noaa21-GINA (Experimental)
This product is experimental
This product is experimental
NGFS-SCENE-snpp-GINA (Experimental)
This product is experimental
This product is experimental
Wildland Fire Locations - Current
The Wildland Fire Interagency Geospatial Services (WFIGS) Group providesauthoritative geospatial data products under the interagency Wildland Fire Data Program. Hosted in the National Interagency Fire Center ArcGIS Online...
The Wildland Fire Interagency Geospatial Services (WFIGS) Group provides authoritative geospatial data products under the interagency Wildland Fire Data Program. Hosted in the National Interagency Fire Center ArcGIS Online Organization (The NIFC Org), WFIGS provides both internal and public facing data, accessible in a variety of formats.
GOES East Daily Fire Detections - CONUS
This terrain-corrected product represents cumulative detections at the 2kmABI pixel level in a 24hr UTC day. For performance, serial repeat detections for the same pixel have been removed. The source data are CSV...
This terrain-corrected product represents cumulative detections at the 2km ABI pixel level in a 24hr UTC day. For performance, serial repeat detections for the same pixel have been removed. The source data are CSV files from the link below.
GOES East Microphysics - CONUS
GOES East Scene Fire Detections - CONUS
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the CONUS scan of ABI onGOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the CONUS scan of ABI on GOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
GOES East Microphysics - FD
GOES East Microphysics - Meso1
GOES East Scene Fire Detections - Mesoscale1
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-1 scan of ABIon GOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-1 scan of ABI on GOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
GOES East Microphysics - Meso2
GOES East Scene Fire Detections - Mesoscale2
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-2 scan of ABIon GOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-2 scan of ABI on GOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
GOES West Daily Fire Detections - CONUS
This terrain-corrected product represents cumulative detections at the 2kmABI pixel level in a 24hr UTC day. For performance, serial repeat detections for the same pixel have been removed. The source data are CSV...
This terrain-corrected product represents cumulative detections at the 2km ABI pixel level in a 24hr UTC day. For performance, serial repeat detections for the same pixel have been removed. The source data are CSV files from the link below.
GOES West Microphysics - CONUS
GOES West Scene Fire Detections - CONUS
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the CONUS scan of ABI onGOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the CONUS scan of ABI on GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
GOES West Microphysics - FD
GOES West Scene Fire Detections - Full Disk
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Full Disk scan of ABIon GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Full Disk scan of ABI on GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
GOES West Microphysics - Meso1
GOES West Scene Fire Detections - Mesoscale1
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-1 scan of ABIon GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-1 scan of ABI on GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
GOES West Microphysics - Meso2
GOES West Scene Fire Detections - Mesoscale2
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-2 scan of ABIon GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the Mesoscale-2 scan of ABI on GOES West. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every minute.
MTBS Burned Area Boundaries by Month
This dataset provides the fire perimeters of burned areas in MonitoringTrends in Burn Severity (MTBS) database. Analysts used post-fire imagery, Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR), and difference NBR (dNBR) to delineate the...
This dataset provides the fire perimeters of burned areas in Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) database. Analysts used post-fire imagery, Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR), and difference NBR (dNBR) to delineate the burned area and create fire perimeters. Each fire is organized by the month it ignited. The dataset only includes fires greater than 1,000 acres in the western U.S. and 500 acres in the eastern U.S.
MTBS Burn Severity by Year
MTBS Burn severity metrics for wildfires in the Continental United States,Hawaii, and Alaska from 2000 to 2021 are displayed by the year of occurrence. This data set includes all fires 1,000 acres or greater in the...
MTBS Burn severity metrics for wildfires in the Continental United States, Hawaii, and Alaska from 2000 to 2021 are displayed by the year of occurrence. This data set includes all fires 1,000 acres or greater in the western United States and 500 acres or greater in the eastern Unites States. Burn severity layers are thematic images depicting severity as unburned to low, low, moderate, high, and increased greenness (increased postfire vegetation response). The layer may also have a sixth class representing a mask for clouds, shadows, large water bodies, or other features on the landscape that erroneously affect the severity classification.
MTBS Fires Occurrences by Month
This dataset provides the central points of fire perimeters in theMonitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) database. Analysts used post-fire imagery, Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR), and difference NBR (dNBR) to...
This dataset provides the central points of fire perimeters in the Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) database. Analysts used post-fire imagery, Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR), and difference NBR (dNBR) to delineate the fire perimeters and calculate the centroids. Each fire is organized by the month it ignited. The dataset only includes fires greater than 1,000 acres in the western U.S. and 500 acres in the eastern U.S.
MTBS Fires Occurrences by Year
This dataset provides the central points of fire perimeters in theMonitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) database. Analysts used post-fire imagery, Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR), and difference NBR (dNBR) to...
This dataset provides the central points of fire perimeters in the Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) database. Analysts used post-fire imagery, Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR), and difference NBR (dNBR) to delineate the fire perimeters and calculate the centroids. Each fire is organized by the year it ignited. The dataset only includes fires greater than 1,000 acres in the western U.S. and 500 acres in the eastern U.S.
USGS Fire Occurrence
The USGS Fire Occurrence Database includes fires with ignition originsknown to the nearest point on the Public Land Survey System grid (1.6 km horizontal resolution) and spans 1992–2020. Fires are displayed by the...
The USGS Fire Occurrence Database includes fires with ignition origins known to the nearest point on the Public Land Survey System grid (1.6 km horizontal resolution) and spans 1992–2020. Fires are displayed by the month they were discovered in.
This data was created by Karen Short and published in 2022
USGS Fire Occurrences Over 1 Acre
The USGS Fire Occurrence Database includes fires with ignition originsknown to the nearest point on the Public Land Survey System grid (1.6 km horizontal resolution) and a size greater than 1 acre. The dataset spans...
The USGS Fire Occurrence Database includes fires with ignition origins known to the nearest point on the Public Land Survey System grid (1.6 km horizontal resolution) and a size greater than 1 acre. The dataset spans 1992–2020. Fires are displayed by the month they were discovered in. The data was created by Karen Short and published in 2022
Anderson 13 Fuel Models
These original 13 standard fire behavior fuel models serve as input toRothermel"s surface fire behavior and spread model. LANDFIRE"s (LF) 13 Anderson Fire Behavior Fuel Model (FBFM13) represents distinct...
These original 13 standard fire behavior fuel models serve as input to Rothermel"s surface fire behavior and spread model. LANDFIRE"s (LF) 13 Anderson Fire Behavior Fuel Model (FBFM13) represents distinct distributions of fuel loading found among surface fuel components (live and dead), size classes, and fuel types. The fuel models are described by the most common fire-carrying fuel type (grass, brush, timber litter, or slash), loading and surface area-to-volume ratio by size class and component, fuelbed depth, and moisture of extinction. Category definitions can be found here:
Scott and Burgan 40 Fuel Models
40 Scott and Burgan Fire Behavior Fuel Model (FBFM40) represents distinctdistributions of fuel loading found among surface fuel components (live and dead), size classes, and fuel types. This set contains more fuel models in...
40 Scott and Burgan Fire Behavior Fuel Model (FBFM40) represents distinct distributions of fuel loading found among surface fuel components (live and dead), size classes, and fuel types. This set contains more fuel models in every fuel type (grass, shrub, timber, slash) than Anderson"s set of 13. The number of fuel models representing relatively high dead fuel moisture content increased, and fuel models with an herbaceous component are now dynamic, meaning that loads shift between live and dead (to simulate curing of the herbaceous component) rather than remaining constant. View legend here:
Slope Degrees
v2.2.0 Slope represents the change of elevation over a specific area. LF2020 Update Slope Degree (SlpD) and Slope Percent Rise (SlpP) products (released February 2022) are generated from 1 arc-second Digital Elevation...
v2.2.0 Slope represents the change of elevation over a specific area. LF 2020 Update Slope Degree (SlpD) and Slope Percent Rise (SlpP) products (released February 2022) are generated from 1 arc-second Digital Elevation Models (DEM) tiles (approximately 30 meter) downloaded November 9, 2021 from The National Map (TNM) Viewer (v2.0), part of the USGS 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) which provides the best available public domain raster elevation data of the conterminous United States (CONUS), Alaska, Hawaii, and insular areas.
GOES-East flash-extent density, a 5-min accumulation of flashes at eachpoint.
GOES-East flash-extent density, a 5-min accumulation of flashes at each point.
GOES-West flash-extent density, a 5-min accumulation of flashes at eachpoint.
GOES-West flash-extent density, a 5-min accumulation of flashes at each point.
LightningCast GOES-East CONUS
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60 minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
LightningCast GOES-East FD (OCONUS)
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60 minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
LightningCast GOES-East MESO1
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60 minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
LightningCast GOES-East MESO2
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60 minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
LightningCast GOES-West Alaska/Western Canada
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60 minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
LightningCast GOES-West CONUS
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60 minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
LightningCast GOES-West MESO1
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60 minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
LightningCast GOES-West MESO2
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
An AI model that predicts the probability of lightning in the next 60 minutes using GOES-R ABI data.
TEST: GOES East Daily Fire Detections - CONUS
This terrain-corrected product represents cumulative detections at the 2kmABI pixel level in a 24hr UTC day. For performance, serial repeat detections for the same pixel have been removed. The source data are CSV...
This terrain-corrected product represents cumulative detections at the 2km ABI pixel level in a 24hr UTC day. For performance, serial repeat detections for the same pixel have been removed. The source data are CSV files from the link below.
TEST: GOES East Scene Fire Detections - CONUS
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the CONUS scan of ABI onGOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
Pixel-level fire radiative power estimates from the CONUS scan of ABI on GOES East. Pixel corner point locations are terrain corrected. These data update every 5 minutes.
Surface Observations (METAR)
NOAA Surface Observations with RH annotation
NOAA Surface Observations with RH annotation
BAER Region 5 Preliminary DNBR Maps for 2024
DNBR images of fires that occurred in USFS Region 5 in 2024. This imageryis produced and distributed by the BAER imagery support program. The Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) is a program in the Forest Service and...
DNBR images of fires that occurred in USFS Region 5 in 2024. This imagery is produced and distributed by the BAER imagery support program. The Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) is a program in the Forest Service and Department of the Interior designed to determine the need for and to prescribe and implement emergency treatments on Federal Lands. This is preliminary data that has not been verified by a BAER team assessment
BAER Region 5 Soil Burn Severity Maps for 2024
Burn severity maps of fires that occurred in USFS Region 5 in 2024. Thisimagery is produced and distributed by the BAER imagery support program. The Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) is a program in the Forest...
Burn severity maps of fires that occurred in USFS Region 5 in 2024. This imagery is produced and distributed by the BAER imagery support program. The Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) is a program in the Forest Service and Department of the Interior designed to determine the need for and to prescribe and implement emergency treatments on Federal Lands. This data has been validated by BAER team assessment.
U.S. Electric Power Transmission Lines
Electric power transmission lines in the United States
Electric power transmission lines in the United States
Wildland Urban Interface by Decade
The purpose of this data is to provide a spatially detailed nationalassessment of the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and WUI change between 1990 and 2020 across the coterminous U.S. to support wildland fire...
The purpose of this data is to provide a spatially detailed national assessment of the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and WUI change between 1990 and 2020 across the coterminous U.S. to support wildland fire research, policy and management, and inquiries into the effects of housing growth on the environment.
PA - Colorado School of Mines (VIIRS)
This is a sample collection of persistent anomalies detected at night usingthe VIIRS M-bands and DNB (Day/Night) panchromatic band by the Earth Observation Group at the Payne Institute for Public Policy, Colorado School...
This is a sample collection of persistent anomalies detected at night using the VIIRS M-bands and DNB (Day/Night) panchromatic band by the Earth Observation Group at the Payne Institute for Public Policy, Colorado School of Mines.
Citation: Elvidge, Christopher D., Mikhail Zhizhin, Feng-Chi Hsu, and Kimberly E. Baugh. “VIIRS nightfire: Satellite pyrometry at night.” Remote Sensing 5, no. 9 (2013): 4423-4449.
Persistent Anomalies identified by SSEC (primarily Solar Farms)
Persistent Anomalies identified by SSEC (primarily Solar Farms)
Lists 6,424 detections from 2018-01-01 through 2020-08-09. 15 categories,similar to STAR PAs but with only a few (8) volcanoes.
Lists 6,424 detections from 2018-01-01 through 2020-08-09. 15 categories, similar to STAR PAs but with only a few (8) volcanoes.
2019-09-14, showing 12,248 polygons and 1,430 points (volcanoes only). Mostcommon: Oli/Gas 68.8% ferrous-metal 12.2% coal-processing 9% Nonmetal mineral 6.1% VIIRS 375 2013-2018 1.8% gas flare(s) 1.2% Solar Panel 0.8%
2019-09-14, showing 12,248 polygons and 1,430 points (volcanoes only). Most common:
Oli/Gas 68.8%
ferrous-metal 12.2%
coal-processing 9%
Nonmetal mineral 6.1%
VIIRS 375 2013-2018 1.8%
gas flare(s) 1.2%
Solar Panel 0.8%
USGS Large-Scale Solar Photovoltaic (Raster)
The United States Large-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Database (USPVDB) providesthe locations and array boundaries of U.S. ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) facilities with capacity of 1 megawatt or more. This a most current version...
The United States Large-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Database (USPVDB) provides the locations and array boundaries of U.S. ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) facilities with capacity of 1 megawatt or more. This a most current version of the database, produced by the USGS in August 2024.
USGS Large-Scale Solar Photovoltaic (Vectors)
The United States Large-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Database (USPVDB) providesthe locations and array boundaries of U.S. ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) facilities with capacity of 1 megawatt or more. This a most current version...
The United States Large-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Database (USPVDB) provides the locations and array boundaries of U.S. ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) facilities with capacity of 1 megawatt or more. This a most current version of the database, produced by the USGS in August 2024.
NOAA-20 Microphysics
NOAA-21 Microphysics
SNPP Microphysics
Building Counts (CONUS)
Each grid cell has a value indicating how many building centroids fallwithin that grid cell.
Each grid cell has a value indicating how many building centroids fall within that grid cell.
Building Count Within 1500m of WUI
Each grid cell has a value indicating how many building centroids fallwithin 1,500 meters of that grid cell. Modified date: 2021-12-09
Each grid cell has a value indicating how many building centroids fall within 1,500 meters of that grid cell. Modified date: 2021-12-09
Wildland Urban Interface - 1500m
Yellow: 1 - the intermix, where there is at least 50% vegetation coversurrounding buildings Red: 2 - the interface, where buildings are within 2.4 km of a patch of vegetation at least 5 km2 in size that contains at...
Yellow: 1 - the intermix, where there is at least 50% vegetation cover surrounding buildings
Red: 2 - the interface, where buildings are within 2.4 km of a patch of vegetation at least 5 km2 in size that contains at least 75% vegetation.
Both classes required a minimum building density of 6.17 buildings per km2. Maps of intermix and interface WUI were generated using a range of circular neighborhood sizes, based on radius distances from 100 – 1,500 m, to determine building density and vegetation cover on a pixel-by-pixel basis (Bar Massada et al., 2013).
Wildland Urban Interface and Intermix by Decade
The purpose of this data is to provide a spatially detailed nationalassessment of the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and WUI change between 1990 and 2020 across the coterminous U.S. to support wildland fire...
The purpose of this data is to provide a spatially detailed national assessment of the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and WUI change between 1990 and 2020 across the coterminous U.S. to support wildland fire research, policy and management, and inquiries into the effects of housing growth on the environment.